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Inspiracje: Mufy w zastosowaniu w drewnie

Tutaj również RAMPA może znaleźć zastosowanie!

W tych i wielu innych obszarach nasze artykuły RAMPA® mogą zapewnić wysoką stabilność:

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in object sights.

Wyposażenie objektów

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in seating furniture.

Meble do siedzenia

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in shopfitting / exhibition stand construction.

Wyposażenie sklepów / budowa stoisk targowych

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in furniture construction.

Produkcja mebli

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in toy makings.

Produkcja zabawek

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in playgrounds.

Place zabaw

Das Anwendungsbeispiel soll als Inspiration dienen und zeigen, dass RAMPA-Muffen auch in Kletterparks Verwendung finden können.

Parki wspinaczkowe

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in boulder halls.

Ścianki wspinaczkowe

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in wood construction.

Konstrukcje drewniane

Zabezpieczenia przed upadkiem z okna/ Konstrukcje elewacji

Bäthe Treppen is RAMPA's reference partner. On display is a product from Bäthe Treppen in which RAMPA inserts are used. RAMPA's threaded inserts have many uses in stairs. Here is a close-up of a floating Bäthe Treppen staircase.

Konstrukcje schodów

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in outdoor furniture.

Meble ogrodowe

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in rail vehicle construction.

Budowa pojazdów szynowych

The application example is intended to serve as inspiration and show that RAMPA inserts can also be used in ship cabin construction.

Konstrukcje kabin statków